Sunday, December 8, 2013

It's official!

Yay! I've successfully navigated my way through the German bureaucracy! Thanks to all those who've helped, especially Erika for coming to my appointment and making sure I have all the documents ready.  Here is my official German Residency Permit (Aufenthaltstitel) which permits me to stay in Germany for a full 12 months! I'll have to register again next year, but for now I'm happy that I made it.

This is a photo of me from last year. Now I have a new haircut that I self-styled with a little help from Erika. 

Yep it's a selfie, but I wanted to show how well I'm blending in to the Euro culture. There's a few odd spots around the back, but pretty good for a $0 haircut


  1. Replies
    1. There's a brothel nearby my apartment marty, you should come visit
